Post Operation Bariatric Supplements

6 weeks to forever post operation

Can stay on chewables regimen or switch to capsules.

Must have Bariatric Vitamins
Must separate Calcium Citrate & Iron by 2 hours.


1 Celebrate chewable tablet per day

Sleeve & Bypass

Multi ADEK Chewables (3 Celebrate Chewables per day)

Duodenal Switch

Note:Space out Multivitamins by 1 hour apart & space out Calcium Citrate by 1 hour. Do not take all multivitamins at once or all calcium citrate at once!

Multi ADEK Capsul4 Celebrate capsules per day in total. Do not take all at the same time!

2 capsules in the AM2 capsules in the PM

Post Operation Bariatric Supplements

2 weeks to 6 weeks post operation (chewables only)
Must have Bariatric Vitamins

Calcium Citrate

Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate Chewy Bites 500mg

Sleeve & Bypass
2.5  3 Bariatric Advantage chews per day

1200mg – 1500mg Calcium Citrate

Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate Chewy Bites 500mg

Sleeve & Bypass
3.5 – 4 Bariatric Advantage chews per day – not all at once!

Space out multivitamins by 1 hour apart & space out calcium citrate by 1 hour. Do not take all multivitamins at once or all calcium citrate at once!

1800mg Calcium Citrate

Post Operation Bariatric Supplements

2 weeks to 6 weeks post operation (chewables only)
Must have Bariatric Vitamins


Bariatric Fusion Iron Soft Chew

Sleeve & Bypass

Note: 45mg – 60mg ferrous fumarate Iron chew per day
1 Bariatric Fusion chew per day (45mg) or 1 Bariatric Advantage chewable per day (60mg)
If taking MCR 45 with iron multivitamin, you don’t need to take this extra iron dose*

Bariatric Advantage Iron Soft Chew

Duodenal Switch

Note: AM dose
45mg – 60mg ferrous fumarate iron chew (Try to get closer to 60mg)
1 Bariatric Fusion chew per day or 1 Bariatric Advantage 60mg chewable per day
Space out multivitamins by 1 hour apart & space out calcium citrate by 1 hour. Do not take all multivitamins at once or all calcium citrate at once!