Nonsurgical Weight Loss Options


We take a different weight loss approach compared to traditional diet programs. We recognize that obesity is not simply a matter of willpower or self-control. We view obesity as a disease and understand the complex science behind it. Blaming the patient is not helpful, and we acknowledge that obesity is associated with various health issues, such as joint pain, sleep apnea, reflux, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.

Our approach to obesity medicine is rooted in actual lifestyle change. We aim to initiate lasting transformations in your eating habits, physical activity, and overall behaviors related to food. Unlike traditional diets that focus solely on low calories or portion control, which can leave you feeling hungry and unsatisfied, we strive for sustainable changes that become a permanent part of your life. We understand that achieving and maintaining a healthy weight requires more than a temporary fix.

We have a team of obesity medicine professionals, including psychologists and nutritionists, to help you reach your weight loss goals in a compassionate and understanding environment.

By embracing the principles of obesity medicine, we prioritize your long-term well-being and understand that sustainable weight loss is a multifaceted process. Together, we will work towards achieving actual lifestyle change and empower you to lead a healthier, happier life.

If you are looking into starting your weight loss journey, schedule a consultation with us today.

5 Pillars of Weight Loss

Overweight Woman Eating Healthy Meal in Kitchen

1. Lifestyle Changes

Personalized evidence-based care plans drawing from the four pillars of weight loss so that patients find the long-term success that works for them. How many times has someone given you the weight loss advice “eat better and exercise more”? Sounds simple, but the reality is that many of us don’t know how to start making the right lifestyle changes, and our attempts leave us feeling tired and hungry!  Your Beltline Team will be there to support you through any lows and celebrate with you through the highs. Life changes happen, planned and unexpected. We will work with you to maintain your weight loss no matter what life sends your way.

2. Medication

Depending on why you gained weight or why you have been unsuccessful in losing weight on your own, medication may be the right choice for you. Generally, this will be teamed with at least one of the other four pillars, as there is no magic pill that will help you lose weight and keep it off without other changes to your eating and activity habits.

Vitamin supplements
Vitamin supplements

2 Medication

Depending on why you gained weight or why you have been unsuccessful in losing weight on your own, medication may be the right choice for you. Generally, this will be teamed with at least one of the other four pillars, as there is no magic pill that will help you lose weight and keep it off without other changes to your eating and activity habits.

food calories

3. Meal Replacement

You can stop smoking, you can stop drinking, but you can’t stop eating! Sometimes your body needs a reset, and meal replacement can help. You get the nutrition you need and remove the temptation of unhealthy food choices. As well as helping you lose weight, this allows you to retrain your brain and gain a new, healthier relationship with food, which will lead you to long-term successful lifestyle changes.

4. Surgery

For many people, non-surgical options only get them so far, but that doesn’t mean everyone will see same success. If weight loss surgery is the right option for you we will help you prepare for a successful, fast healing surgery. After surgery, we will continue to support you with the lifestyle changes you must make for your surgery to help you achieve your weight loss and lifestyle goals. The Beltline Team will be with you for as long as you feel you need their support, so you can be confident or maintaining your weight loss for years to come with access to our lifetime of care
The Bariatric Surgery Process Explained
The Bariatric Surgery Process Explained

4 Surgery

For many people, non-surgical options only get them so far, but that doesn’t mean everyone will see same success. If weight loss surgery is the right option for you we will help you prepare for a successful, fast healing surgery. After surgery, we will continue to support you with the lifestyle changes you must make for your surgery to help you achieve your weight loss and lifestyle goals. The Beltline Team will be with you for as long as you feel you need their support, so you can be confident or maintaining your weight loss for years to come with access to our lifetime of care

Overweight couple running together outdoors

5. Physical Activity

Staying active is essential for good health, and it becomes even more important if you’re trying to lose weight. The trick in keeping yourself motivated to move around is to find a physical activity that you enjoy and make it part of your daily routine. Whether it’s walking outside first thing in the morning or biking around your local park after work, there are countless physical activities that you can do to keep your heart rate up and help you stay on track with your goals.

Book Non-Surgical Weight Loss Appointment





